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Adaptive Brain Lab


Zhongtian Sun received his Ph.D. from the Department of Computer Science, Durham University. He rigorously pursued methodologies to enhance the expressive power of computational models within the specialised domain of knowledge representation learning. His intensive research yielded applications in diverse fields, including natural language processing, healthcare, molecule learning and financial investment.  Collaborating on a broader scale, Zhongtian is affiliated with the Alan Turing Institute Knowledge Graph Interest Group, and has showcased his expertise in machine learning as a research assistant for a UKRI project focusing on chatbot development. 

Zhongtian joined the Adaptive Brain Lab in October 2023 as a Post-Doctoral Research Associate. He focuses on developing machine learning methods for the early diagnosis of brain and mental health disorders, specifically Alzheimer's. He is eager to delve deeper into the convergence of AI and healthcare, believing in the vast potential of this synergy.

Research Associate
Not available for consultancy

