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Adaptive Brain Lab


Objectives of the Ultra-high field imaging of perceptual learning and human brain plasticity (Laminar-PL) project have been to combine interdisciplinary methods to investigate the neural mechanisms that mediate perceptual learning. 

  • combine psychophysical experiments, machine learning and ultra-high field imaging to investigate the neural locus of learning-dependent brain plasticity after extensive training and test competing theories of learning (i.e., learning-dependent changes at early stages of information encoding vs. later stages of decision making). 
  • use cutting-edge computational neuroimaging methods to demonstrate the computational processes underlying perceptual learning (e.g., feedforward vs. recurrent vs. feedback). 
  • measure laminar connectivity across brain areas based on task-related measurements (i.e., how different brain areas work together) that supports behavioral improvement due to training. 
  • combine cutting-edge techniques and construct a working protocol for laminar imaging data analyses, which will provide valuable insights into the future development of software for MRI data analysis (e.g. BrainVoyager developed by Brain Innovation-secondment partner).
  • foster the development of the individual researcher.