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Adaptive Brain Lab


Louise Barne joined the Adaptive Brain lab as a postdoctoral research associate in January 2024. Her research aims to understand how the brain integrates different sources of information and generates meaningful experiences, focusing on the neural mechanisms of attention and perception. In the Adaptive Brain lab, she works with cutting-edge neuroimaging methods to investigate the neural mechanisms of perceptual learning.

Louise received her PhD in Neuroscience and Cognition at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC, Brazil) in 2020. In her doctoral work with Andre M. Cravo (UFABC) and Floris de Lange (Donders Institute, Netherlands), she used machine learning-based approaches for the analysis of EEG and MEG signals to study the effects of attention and expectation on neural processing. After her PhD, Louise worked as a postdoctoral researcher at The French Aerospace Lab (ONERA) with Andrea Desantis on human spatial attention, confidence and agency using EEG and eye movements, and at the University College London (UCL) with Nilli Lavie on EEG markers of sustained attention.

Research Associate
Not available for consultancy

